Friday, October 26, 2007

chapter 2 and 3

In chapter 2 freaky green eyes's father reid pierson was home for the night and the mother wasn't home because she was in some other town for a book fair that she loves going to. The night that she was gone reid, freaky green eyes whose name is francesca, her sister samantha, and her brother todd were all there at the house for a celebration night because her dad promoted. In this chapter you get to see the real side of francesca's dad and that side is controlling, he always trys to control his family and their life. In Chapter 3 the mom is home now it is not a very long chapter, but when the mom came home, her and her husband kinda got into a fight. The mom wanted to just stay home with her daughters while reid went to the banquet that he was suppose to go to that night and he wanted her to go to the banquet to, so that he wouldn't look bad in front of everybody. So he started yelling at her and saying stuff like "if you don't want to go with me to this, then why did you even marry me." he started making her feel really bad, and not letting her do what she wants to do and instead she is doing what he wants her to do.

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