Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lately the parents don't really see to much of each other and the mom Krista finally took her daughters to stay with her at Skagit Harbor, and when they see the little cabin they absolutely love it. All of the neighbors are really nice and friendly to each other and their mom wishes that she could buy this other little cabin and that has 3 acres along with it. But Krista says that she cannot afford that little cabin, and Francesca thinks in her head and thinking that her dad has money so why doesn't her mom use that money to buy that cabin for herself. When Francesca sees the little cabin of her moms she starts to feel a little clausterphobic, and thinks about their enormous home back in Yarrow Heights.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What is happening now is that it's fourth of july and Francesca's dad Reid got invited up to one of his friends' cabin in the woods for the weekend. She thought that her mom Krista was going to come along to but she found out that her mom had cancelled on her and that her mom was staying at skagit harbor. Francesca got another surprise that day too. She had thought that her family and this other family would be the only ones up there, but when she got there it was like a mini hotel to her and there was many family's there. Her dad introduced them like they were really rich and famous.

Monday, November 5, 2007

This book is really good and in the chapters Francesca's mom and dad are hardly ever home, and her mom found a little spot at a lake called skagit harbor and she goes up there every so often and will stay up there for three or four days. Her dad is always gone on business trips and comes home when he is done with them and even at that he is only home for a few days until he leaves on another business trip.